In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at REMspace in California have successfully enabled two-way communication between two people while they were both asleep and lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a state where the dreamer becomes aware they are dreaming and can control elements of their dreams. This remarkable feat took place on September 24 and involved two experienced lucid dreamers.
The experiment began with participants connected to equipment that monitored their brain activity and sleep patterns in real-time. Once the first participant entered a lucid dream, a random word in a newly created language, “Remmyo,” was transmitted to them via earbuds. The participant heard and repeated the word “Zhilak” aloud in their dream, with sensors recording the response.
Later, the second participant also entered a lucid dream state and was sent the same word, which she too repeated aloud. Upon waking, both participants confirmed they had heard and spoken the word during their dreams, marking the first successful communication between two dreaming individuals.
This pioneering development could have far-reaching implications for sleep science, mental health treatment, and other applications. REMspace CEO Michael Raduga said, “Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so common we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology.” Though promising, the findings need further validation and replication before this technology becomes widely adopted.
Interesting developments!
This is really amazing!
Thanks for the uodate. 👍🌹🙏